Agate Crystals – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

botswana agate

Agate crystals are one of the most diverse members of the chalcedony group. This stone may be the most common type used by ancient people. A kind of agate stone can be found all over the world. Although they look entirely different in colour and pattern due to their additional mineral content, their common feature is that they are based on silicon dioxide. Iron minerals mixed with silicon dioxide can give these stones orange, red, and brown tones depending on their density.

Ancient people used agate as an amulet to gain power against all evil. It has been used to cleanse and balance the body, the soul, and the mind. They have always carried it to ground the body and protect it from all physical damage, such as snakebites.

flower agate

All agate stones have enormous energy, although they act slowly. These stones’ power is hidden in continuity; their benefit is in a complicated structure and doesn’t return and deteriorate. For example, an agate stone we use for physical balance repairs us so profoundly that our physical strength continuously increases. Our power does not decrease even when we are not carrying the stone.

Likewise, the level of awareness we have reached about life and ourselves in that all agates gradually increases, and our understanding continues even when we abandon the stone. Since there is continuity here, raising awareness and consciousness leads us to hidden information.


Botswana Agate, Fire Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Moss Agate, Dendritic Agate, and Carnelian are the most known and preferred agate types, but hybrid types exist. Benefits common to all agates can be considered for an agate type whose style is not fully defined. The benefits of general agate stones are outlined in the table below by chakras.

What should be considered in the table is choosing the chakra according to the colour that dominates the colour tones and patterns of the stone. For example, the solar plexus chakra should be considered first for a general agate stone with rich yellow colours. It should be deemed useful in the heart chakra for an available stone with rich pink colours.

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

moss agate cabochon

For the Agate Crystals’ detailed benefits, check out the charts where we combine the benefits and chakras most effectively.

Crown-Awareness-   -High Power-   -Hidden Informations-   -Secret Knowledge-   -Spiritual Growth-   -Yin-Yang Balance-
Third Eye-Analytical Ability-   -Aura Balance-   -Concentration-   -Eyes-   -Increasing Breast Milk-   -Internal Stability-   -Mental Balance-   -Memory Development-   -Sleepwalking-   -Painkiller-   -Perception-   -Practicality-   -Vertigo-
Heart -Cancer-   -Circulation System/Heart-   -Forgiveness-   -Lymphatic System-   -Self Love-   -Stop Bleeding-   -Poisoning-   -Tumors-
Solar Plexus -Cleansing Pancreas-   -Digestive Process-   -Emotional Balance-   -Emotional Pain and Trauma-   -Gastritis-   -Relaxing Stomach-   -Self-confidence-
Sacral-Birth Process-   -Bowel Cleansing-  -Menstrual Bleeding Balance-    -Positive Energy-   -Skin Problems-    -Uterus Problems-
Base-Calming-   -Physical Balance-   -Vascular Enhancement-
Earth Star -Grounding-    -Protection- 
agate in etsy shop

How to use Agates?

Anyone can use these crystals. It can be used as jewellery during the day and put under the pillow while sleeping. Agate stones work slowly, but they have extreme power. Therefore, its benefits become stronger in long-term use. When used continuously, the crystal should be rested occasionally. If it is used as a crystal bracelet, read our recommendations.

It should be cleaned daily. All methods can be used to clean, such as washing in running water, leaving in water, and leaving it in the soil.

What are Agate Crystals’ other features?

Zodiac signMay vary depending on the color and type
Mineral InformationMicrocrystalline Quartz, Banded Chalcedony
Chemical CompositionSiO2 + Contains other minerals
Hardness6 (Mohs)


Nature is astonishing, and Crystals are gifts from mother nature. Living happy and healthy is very easy with Crystals. Follow us and stay informed!

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3 Responses

  1. Damm Lao says:

    Hello, thank you very much for letting me know so much about crystal.

  2. Jenny says:

    I met crystals thanks to you and my adventure into the wonderful world of crystals began. My favorite is this crystal. it looks like it contains a moonlight scene. As I love my crystal, he loves me and shares his healing with me. I hope your articles will inspire others as well as me.

    • HealCrystal says:

      Hi Jenny, so glad to hear these. The relationship between us and the crystals is amazing, isn’t it? Thank you so much for sharing your feelings.

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