Tagged: pink rose quartz

hate love woman

Attract Love to You and Be Loved by All with the High Love Energy of Crystals

What a beautiful thing to be loved! The loved one is richer than the richest person in the world. We all want to be loved, but do we deserve it? What do you mean we deserve? Yes, Love is earned. This is very easy, but there are a few obstacles to overcome first. Guess what the first hurdle is? You are the first obstacle! Yes, you heard right. You are blocking yourself. Because if you want to be loved, you have to love first! So what do you need to love? Yourself First! Then those around you. Here’s the root...

stone baby wall

Protect Your Baby, Your Most Valuable Asset, With 8 Healing Crystalline Miraculous Energy

Crystal for Babies Protection You can protect babies from evil in negative and dirty environments with crystal for babies. Our babies are the most precious gift given to us by the Creator. They are unique to us. We make all kinds of sacrifices. When their souls hurt, it hurts like our own. We do whatever it takes to help them eat well, grow and get a good education. Babies give us a sense of euphoria, remind us that there are better times to come, and provide us with hope. Every parent does worry about their child’s health in the early...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...

Rose Quartz Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Rose Quartz Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Rose Quartz is the most popular type of quartz crystal. This is no coincidence; Rose Quartz is the strongest crystal that can teach us love and beauty. It is not possible to remain indifferent to it as long as it spends time with it. It not only teaches us unconditional love but also offers us metaphysical gifts by opening our third eyes. It improves our awareness to see all kinds of beauty in life. It can help us develop telepathic ability. Rose Quartz teaches us the true essence of love. This teaching is so powerful that it can heal your...

heart chakra

What Are Heart Chakra Stones?

With Stones for the Heart Chakra, you can help yourself to deal with all your heart chakra problems. If you want to improve your emotional life, understand your emotions, and be happier, the heart chakra is worth focusing on! The heart chakra is the energy centre determining how much love and compassion we experience. Balancing it with heart chakra stones helps us establish healthy relationships with ourselves and others. It is the 4th energy centre of the body and is located in the middle of the chest. So, how to open the heart chakra? What do Heart chakra meditation and...