Tagged: past life chakra

Healer’s Gold – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Healer’s Gold – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

What is Healer’s Gold? Healer’s Gold, also known as Apache Gold, is a powerful and synergistic combination of Iron Pyrite and Magnetite. With its unique blend of properties, Healer’s Gold is a remarkable tool for healing and energetic balance. This extraordinary mineral is believed to enhance vitality, promote physical well-being, and strengthen the immune system. Its ability to create an interface between personal energy fields and the outside world makes it an invaluable ally for healers and energy workers. Discover the transformative power of Healer’s Gold as it aids in transmuting negative energies, instilling confidence, and promoting overall well-being. Healer’s...

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

What is merlınıte? MERLINITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Silicate Crystal System: Hexagonal Chemistry: Psilomelane: Ba(Mn2+)(Mn4+)8O16(OH)4Chalcedony: SiO2 Composition: Combines Psilomelane (Black Manganese Oxide) and Quartz/Chalcedony crystals. Specific Gravity: 2.6 Mohs’ Hardness: 7 Source: Turkey, Brazil, USA [New Mexico] Rarity: It has recently become widespread Luster: Waxy, Dull MERLINITE STONE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: Black branched structure on white and bluish transparency in opal Chakras: Past life, soma, third eye, higher heart (thymus), causal vortex Vibration: High to Very High Number: 6 Zodiac: Gemini and Pisces Planet: Sun, Moon Elements: Air Symbol: Reading the record of life knowledge MERLINITE OTHER NAMES Merlinite is...

Hematite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Hematite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Since Hematite crystal consists of iron minerals, it has been used to obtain the red color throughout history. Ancient people painted their skulls with red dye extracted from hematite powder and kept them in their sacred spaces to continue communicating with them after their ancestors died. It is no accident that iron powder is used in these rituals. Iron is a conductive material and is one of the metals that can transmit energy from one place to another. Traditions believe power passes through the Hematite powder-coated heads to the living people. As can be understood from here, Hematite crystal works...


20 Main Chakras – Chakra Functions, Colors, Locations, and Imbalances

20 Main Chakras Locations There are numerous energy zones in our physical and spiritual bodies. Some of these regions contain more intense energy. There are 20 main energy zones/chakras, fifteen in our physical body and five in our metaphysical body. 20 Main chakras’ locations, their representative colours, functions, what they symbolize, and the situations resulting from imbalance are given in the tables below. This placement of the main chakras belongs to Judy Hall. Main Chakras Their Colors, Functions, And Imbalances Stellar Gateway Chakra Colors: white, clear, silver, gold, deep violetIt symbolizes the connection point of our spiritual body with the...