Lapis Lazuli Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Lapis Lazuli crystal consists of a combination of many minerals. The usage area of Lapis Lazuli, which has an important place in ancient civilizations, is also very diverse. Their common point is that the seal instruments with which the rule-makers seal their words were made of Lapis. It directly addresses our third eye chakra with its indigo color. This particular color has been used throughout history to attract people’s attention and focus on the desired situation. Ancient painters pulverized Lapis Lazuli crystal to obtain a magnificent shade of blue, and their works activated this chakra, which rules our imagination.
Lapis Lazuli contributes to developing our 6th feeling in our third eye chakra, increasing our psychic powers, and our enlightenment on the way of life. It supports us to set and implement our own rules. It is one of the best crystals that help our thoughts intensify, multiply, and strengthen. When you focus on the subject you want to solve, it will show you a way out. By repairing our brain cells, it can heal us both mentally and physically. Mentally it stimulates our memory and imagination. It helps us overcome psychological situations that prevent us from expressing ourselves, such as depression and anxiety. During the sleep process, it can relax us both in a dream state and deep sleep.

It can be physically curative in nervous conditions such as dizziness, migraine, nerve inflammation, and hearing loss. It stimulates our pituitary gland and supports the balancing of our hormones as a sedative in all aches and pains. It is a great supporter of pain, tension, nervousness, fatigue, and confusion during the menstrual periods of women.
Lapis Lazuli can increase our compassion and love production by strengthening our spirituality in our crown chakra. This makes it easier for us to be more friendly and responsible in our relationships. It contributes to making our relationships more permanent and beautiful.
Lapis Lazuli helps us take a more active role in our relationships by increasing our communication skills and listening ability in our throat chakra. This way, we can express ourselves better and understand the other person more quickly. Being impartial in our relationships and honestly revealing ourselves helps us show and accept the facts.
When our throat chakra becomes unbalanced, thyroid hormone imbalance, vocal cords, and throat area may be discomfort. Lying and suppressing while expressing ourselves are the most important reasons our throat chakra becomes unbalanced. Lapis Lazuli helps us discover rational solutions to eliminate these obligations, prevent chakra disorders, and contribute to their recovery.

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.
For Lapis Lazuli Crystal’s detailed benefits, check out the charts where we combine the benefits and chakras most effectively.
Crown | -Friendship- -Love- -Pity- -Responsibility- -Spirit- |
Third Eye | -3. Eye Opening- -Anger- -Autism- -Anxiety- -Bone Marrow Production- -Brain Injury- -Cell Repair- -Chronic Pain- -Creativity- -Depression- -Dizziness- -Dream- -Earwax/Microbe- -Enlightenment- -Eye/Cataract- -Fainting- -Hearing Loss- -Hodgkin’s- -Immunity- -Inflammation- -Insomnia- -Intelligence- -Labor Pain- -Lowering Blood Pressure- -Lymph Nodes- -Melancholia- -Menopause- -Menstrual Pain- -Migraine- -Muscle Spasm- -Nervous System- -Neuralgia- -Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- -Organization- -Panic Attack- -Pain/Hurt- -Pituitary Gland- -PMS- -Psychic Power/Shield- -Relapsing Fever- -Self-awareness- -Sleep Apnea- -Skin Diseases- -Stress- -Stuck- -Suicide- -Swelling- -Thinking Potential- |
Throat | -Accept- -Active Listening- -Enduring Honesty- -Facing the Truth- -Impartiality- -Laryngeal Cancer- -Lung Cleansing- -Power of Communication- -Respiratory Relief- -Self-expression- -Sharpness- -Social Phobia- -Throat Problems- -Thyroid- -Vocal Cords- |
How to use Lapis Lazuli?
Anyone can use this crystal. It can be used as jewelry during the day and can be put under the pillow while sleeping at night. Therefore, its benefits become stronger in long-term use. When used continuously, the crystal should be rested occasionally. If it is used as a crystal bracelet, be sure to read our recommendations.
The crystal must be cleaned after it is used for any purpose. All methods can be used to clean polished Lapis Lazuli Crystal, such as washing in running water, leaving in water, and leaving it in the soil.
Note: You must use a polished Lapis Lazuli Crystal because it contains toxic minerals of copper, iron, or lead.
What are Lapis Lazuli’s other features?
Zodiac sign | Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius |
Number | 3 |
Planet | Venus |
Mineral Information | Sodalite Group |
Chemical Composition | (Na,Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(S,Cl,SO4,OH)2 + calcite (CaCO₃) and pyrite (FeS₂) |
Hardness | 5-6 (Mohs) |
lazulite vs lapis lazuli
Lazulite and lapis lazuli are two different minerals, although they are both known for their blue colour. Here’s a comparison of the two:
- Lazulite is a magnesium aluminium phosphate mineral.
- It typically occurs as prismatic crystals or granular masses.
- Lazulite has a deep blue colour, ranging from light to dark shades.
- It is relatively rare and is primarily appreciated by mineral collectors and enthusiasts.
Lapis Lazuli:
- Lapis lazuli is a rock composed mainly of minerals: lazurite, calcite, pyrite, and other minor minerals.
- It is an opaque gemstone used for thousands of years in jewellery, carvings, and artwork.
- Lapis lazuli is rich, intense blue, often with golden flecks of pyrite and white calcite streaks.
- It has been highly valued throughout history and has cultural and historical significance in many civilizations.
While lazulite is a specific mineral, lapis lazuli is a rock composed of several minerals, with lazurite being the primary blue component. Lapis lazuli has a more extensive historical and cultural significance and is widely used as a gemstone and artistic material.
lazurite vs lazulite
Lazurite and lazulite are two distinct minerals that are often confused due to their similar names and blue colouration. Here’s a brief explanation of each:
- Lazurite: Lazurite is a deep blue mineral and a major component of lapis lazuli, a gemstone prized for centuries for its vibrant blue colour. Lazurite is a complex sodium calcium aluminium silicate sulfate mineral. It typically occurs with other minerals like calcite, pyrite, and sodalite. Lazurite is commonly used in jewellery, carvings, and ornamental objects.
- Lazulite: Lazulite is also a blue mineral but chemically different from lazurite. Lazulite is a magnesium aluminium phosphate mineral. It forms as prismatic crystals or granular masses and usually exhibits a deep blue colour. Lazulite is less well-known and less commercially significant compared to lazurite. Mineral collectors and enthusiasts primarily appreciate it.
While both minerals are blue and share a similar name, they have distinct chemical compositions and crystal structures. Lazurite is associated with lapis lazuli and is historically significant in art and culture, while lazulite is more valued among mineral collectors.