Apatite (Stone of Revitalization)

What is Apatite?

apatite natural stone

The origin of the Apatite stone, also known as Apatite, is based on Greek. As a noun, it means to deceive and deceive. This meaning is also due to the phosphate group in its content. Although the phosphates in the structure of the stones in the Beri group are very complex, the Apatite stone differs from that group with its simplicity. Since this simplicity is also seen as a deception, the name Apatite is earned.

What Does Apatite Stone Mean?

apatite natural stone

Apatite is a natural stone that is formed as a result of many years of reactions in nature. The bridge establishes between negative and positive energy and increases the energy flow of the environment. While attracting negative energies to itself, it transfers positive energies to the person using the stone or to the environment.

apatite natural stone

People who are charged with positive energy become more resistant thanks to the Apatite stone. Among the effects seen in long-term use, it is observed that it enables the individual to reach the goals he has set for himself. It also provides emotional recovery for angry, offended, stressed, confused and uninterested individuals.

Apatite Stone Formation

The history of the formation of apatite stone extends underground and into magma. The magma’s minerals, which cool after rising to the surface, react with oxygen over time. At the end of these reactions, which lasted for millions of years, Apatite, distinguished from other stones with unique properties, emerges. Although they are generally found in areas where volcanic rocks are found, they can be mined as a second mineral next to some mines.

Where to Find Apatite Stone?

apatite natural stone

Apatite stone can be found in studies in different parts of the world. In the Americas, this stone can be found in Hungary and Tunisia. It is also known that Apatite was mined in Israel, Russia, Egypt and Germany. Since it cannot be extracted in Turkey, it is processed and imported into other countries.

apatite natural stone

Apatite stone is reached in Austria, Portugal and Brazil. However, it is very difficult to distinguish because it is similar to other stone groups. Since it is an amorphous stone, it must be processed and sent to its users.

Considerations While Taking Apatite

apatite natural stone

There are some points to be considered while buying apatite stone. The first is to check whether the stone is real or fake. Secondly, it is to obtain information about whether someone else has used the stone before. Used stones must be cleaned energetically before use.

apatite natural stone

Natural stones should be taken according to the needs of the individual. For this reason, buying without getting enough information about Apatite stone is not right. It should be used if deficiencies in the areas affect physical and mental health. If the missing issues are not among the effects of the Apatite stone, another stone should be taken.

How to Tell if Apatite is Real or Fake?

apatite natural stone

Known as a mind stone, Apatite should not be used unless it is natural. For this reason, some tests must be done to determine whether the stone is real or fake. Even if imitation stones look very close to the real ones, they do not exchange energy as they are ordinary paving stones.

apatite natural stone

Usually, burning with fire and breaking a piece of the stone helps to determine whether it is real or fake. However, Apatite stones may not resist fire as ordinary stones. For this reason, it should not be kept in the fire for a long time while any part of it is burned. If no change is observed in the stone within a few seconds, it can be said that the stone is real.

apatite natural stone

Many small Apatite stones can be found in bracelets, necklaces, rosaries or earrings. Only one of these stones should be broken to understand its authenticity, and the harmony between the inner and outer colors should be checked. If the stone’s inner and outer colours are incompatible, it can be easily understood that it is an imitation.

What are the Properties and Effects of Apatite Stone?

apatite natural stone

Apatite, an amorphous stone, is a medium-hard stone despite its crystalline structure. Since its place on the hardness scale is 5, care should be taken in its use. Since there are transparent or opaque types, each Apatite stone may not have the same appearance as the other.

Although it is mostly found in natural blue tones, there are also green, grey, yellow, white and purple colours. It can also occur in mixed colours depending on the reactions it undergoes in the rocks. Different colours are effective on other chakras. For this reason, attention should be paid to the colours desired to be purchased.

apatite natural stone

Apatite stone, which contains many healings, has physical and spiritual effects on its user. Although many of these effects are positive, they can be harmful due to unconscious use. It is usually kept to attract bad energies into the environment.

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Apatite Stone Usage and Usage Areas

Natural stones are often used in astrology. Depending on the compatibility with the zodiac signs, it is determined which zodiac group will be good in which area. It also allows people to experience energetic transformations by looking at their harmony with the chakras.

Due to its physical effects, it is among the stones preferred for medical problems. Accordingly, muscle development is strengthened thanks to the Apatite stone. Healthy living conditions are supported by preventing the issues that may occur in the skeletal system. It has a relieving effect on gum problems.

apatite natural stone

Positive ones replace, thanks to energy transformations, negative emotions in the individual. Thus, the users of Apatite stone also benefit spiritually. To support some therapies in psychology, Apatite stone can be applied, and help can be obtained from its effects.

Apatite Stone Ritual

apatite natural stone

Rituals are one method that allows a person to get rid of negative emotions and situations in his life. It is aimed at relaxing both the body and the soul and purifying it from the bad energies it contains. For this reason, although not widely, Apatite stone is used to support rituals.

apatite natural stone

Rituals performed in dimly lit environments where the person feels comfortable, where silence is ensured, are more effective. The Apatite stone in this area is also responsible for absorbing the bad energies thrown during the ritual. The ritual is completed by giving good points to the individual and the place where the individual is located.

Apatite stone can be used in all rituals performed in resistance, healing, inspiration and motivation. Since it is one of the stones symbolizing introversion, it initiates the treatment within the person himself. Thus, it can take its place in rituals that can affect life.

If the desired effect is not seen in the rituals performed with apatite stone, help can be obtained from other natural stones. These stones, which will increase the impact of the apatite stone, attract all the bad energy into the environment. If the desired result is achieved after the rituals are repeated in a certain order, the pattern can be continued with only the Apatite stone.

Which Chakra Is Apatite Compatible With?

apatite natural stone

Chakras located in different body parts help define a person’s characteristics. While people with open chakras are successful in related fields, some deficiencies are seen in people with closed chakras. For this reason, Apatite helps to open the forehead and throat chakras that adapt to it.

The throat chakra is one of the most important chakras in the body. It is responsible for the regular functioning of the endocrine system. If closed, there may be problems, especially with the thyroid glands. If the apatite stone is placed on the throat chakra, improvements in related ailments are observed.

apatite natural stone

The other chakra that Apatite is compatible with is the forehead chakra. This chakra usually deals with the developments related to the vertebrae. In maintaining balance, the five sense organs enter the areas of the forehead chakra in situations related to the vocal cords. In addition, this chakra, which can be opened with the Apatite stone, strengthens the individual’s will.

apatite natural stone

Chakras can open and close by being affected by the energies of the objects around them. Therefore, although Apatite is prominent with the forehead and throat chakras, it is effective on all chakras. It is recommended to be used only in those areas as it has a higher effect on these chakras.

Compatible Signs of Apatite Stone

apatite natural stone

In astrology, every area where the zodiac signs are compatible is examined. One of these areas is the effects of natural stones on people. Generally, any zodiac sign can experience healing by using the Apatite stone. However, the recoveries are faster and permanent in the characters compatible with the Apatite stone.

apatite natural stone

The compatibility in Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius signs is quite high. Harmony is provided not only for the characters but also for the ascendant signs. In this context, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius signs who want to become physically stronger and spend their lives healthy should use Apatite stone. Due to its positive effects on mental health, it allows compatible signs to hold on to life more tightly.

Apatite Stone Benefits and Harms

Natural stones transfer the effect of millions of years spent in their formation to people. For this reason, there are benefits and harms to both people and the environment. One of the natural stones that are generally beneficial is Apatite. Apatite; It is a stone with healing properties in the physical, spiritual and spiritual areas.

Due to its effects on psychic abilities, it makes people spiritually stronger. It makes it easier for the individual to see the works behind him and to distinguish between right and wrong. Minimizing the rate of making mistakes offers people the opportunity to always be on the winning side.

apatite natural stone

Apatite is one of the stones most preferred by individuals with weight problems. Apatite makes people feel full and makes them eat less. For this reason, it regulates blood pressure, sugar, and circulatory and excretory systems by avoiding harmful foods and beverages. It is recommended use for blood pressure patients.

The phosphate group in the Apatite stone directly affects the skeletal system. In cases where it is in constant contact with the skin, it relieves bone pain. It supports the treatment in the recovery of problems in the spine, spinal fluid and spinal cord. It also helps children grow taller.

apatite natural stone

It is a stone that is effective in completing personal development spiritually. For this reason, it brings habits such as restraining inconsistent attitudes and acting more dignified. Individuals who become sedentary prevent loneliness as they will be accepted in their environment. It takes part in the prevention of accompanying mental illnesses.

Apatite stone makes the energy flow directly. For this reason, it should be cleaned and maintained at least twice a month. In cases where it is not taken care of, it may have to throw out negative energy. Since it will create the opposite effect expected from it, it can harm the person and the environment.

Where to Put Apatite at Home?

apatite natural stone

Apatite, also known as the mind stone, is kept in homes when not used as an accessory. In general, it affects every area of ​​the house, but its impact is more in the room it is in. For this reason, it is necessary to decide which room to stay in, depending on the need.

It should be located in the most common room in families that are difficult to get along with because it attracts negative energies. Although the living room, kitchen and living room come first, There is no harm in keeping them on balconies and gardens. In houses where only the husband and wife live, it should be placed in the bedroom as it is where they spend the most time.

apatite natural stone

Apatit, which develops the muscles while doing sports, can be left in the sports areas of the house. It can be removed from its hiding place only when doing sports. Thus, making sports more effective adds vigour to the individual. Having the Apatite stone nearby is also effective when going to the gym.

Where is Apatite Stone Sold?

apatite natural stone

Apatite can be found in every store where gemstones can be found. It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

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How Much Is Apatite Stone?

apatite natural stone

Natural stones can affect, heal and develop people in all areas. However, their prices are determined to suit every budget. Since they are not considered a jewel, prices fluctuate according to the materials used with them. However, there are Apatite stones that are suitable for anyone who wishes.

apatite natural stone

The colours of the apatite stones are not the same. Since they are not subjected to chemical processes, producing the desired colours is impossible. For this reason, colours that come out less are more expensive, and colours that come out constantly are cheaper. However, care is taken to ensure that it fits the budget, even in expensive colour tones.

apatite natural stone

Every feature requested individually in Apatite stone, which is used as an ornament or accessory, is determined as a plus price. Therefore, the prices of special designs are higher than ordinary products. Many factors, such as the material used, artistry, the size of the stone, and the brand name, cause price changes.

Apatite Stone Care and Cleaning

apatite natural stone

Care and cleaning are separate concepts. Natural stones must be purified from dirt in appearance and energy. Physical cleaning can be done with the help of a damp cloth, or it can be done by keeping it in vinegar water. However, the care of the stone is not related to its physical appearance.

apatite natural stone

Taking care of the apatite stone means throwing out its bad energies. Regular maintenance is required once a week, as the accumulated negative points will limit the stone’s abilities. In this case, sun, water or soil should usually be used.

The colour of the Apatite stone, which is left under the sun, may fade. Just keeping it in the sun for ten minutes eliminates bad energy. Soil-holding or burial processes are relatively longer. Contacting the soil for half an hour means completing the stone’s care.

apatite natural stone

One of the preferred ways to care for stones is to keep them under running water. Large rocks can be purified from their energy by keeping them under the tap for fifteen minutes. However, as small stones may fall into the sink, they should be kept in a glass of water. The longer the Apatite stays in the water, the more it is separated from its negative energies. Generally, keeping it overnight will make the Apatite stone as clean as new.

Interesting Facts About Apatite Stone

Apatite stones have special effects from each other. One of these effects is that Apatite stone in light blue tones is good for stuttering. It is observed that stuttering decreases and sometimes completely ends, especially when it is worn as an accessory for children who stutter.


When buried next to a plant, Apatite transfers the phosphate into the soil, enabling that plant to come to life. It helps plants, which allows them to bloom more quickly, to bear fruit. For this reason, it is a type of stone preferred by those who deal with fieldwork.


The phosphate contained in the apatite stone is also effective on oral and dental health. Due to its pain-killing feature, taking the rock into the mouth after cleaning is good for toothache. It also plays a role in strengthening unhealthy teeth.


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