Tagged: ajoite properties

Ajoite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Ajoite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Ajoite Crystal’s All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras AJOITE CRYSTAL STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Quartz Group, Silicate The crystal structure for Ajoite: Triclinic Chemistry: (K, Na)Cu7AlSi9O24(OH)6 · 3H2O Specific Gravity: 2.96 Ajoite Hardness: 7 Source: South Africa, USA Ravity: Rare Luster: Vitreous AJOITE CRYSTAL ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Ajoite Color: Bluish-green Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Soma, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Higher Heart, Alta Major Vibration: Exceptionally high Number: 6 Zodiac: Virgo Planet: Saturn Elements: Water Symbol: Awakening AJOITE CRYSTAL OTHER NAMES Ajoite in Quartz, Ajoite included Quartz, Ajoite Phantom Quartz, Quartz with Ajoite inclusions AJOITE in QUARTZ VARIETIES Ajoite with Papagoite, Ajoite...